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Wednesday, 6 May 2015

Warid free internet

Trick to Use free internet on warid 2015

Want to use free internet on warid .Here is a trick to do it.As warid offered free Facebook and whatsapp last year however it's still working.All you have to do is don't recharge and use free Facebook and whatsapp. If you recharge then they charge you Rs 1+tax per day.Only use Facebook app not your browser.You can download Facebook app from here.

Facebook app for Java phones. Click Here

Facebook app for Symbian phones. Click Here

Facebook app for Android phones. Click Here

Send FW to 777 [you should have at least 3 Rupees to send this message.Try to get loan by sending AB to 7777 and then activate your free internet by sending FW to 7777]

Now use unlimited Facebook and whatsapp.

Note :  If you only use Facebook then you will be unable to connect to internet from 9 pm to 12 pm.So install whats app and remove this restriction as well.Enjoy free Facebook and whatsapp 24 hours a day.

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